The Bridge Troll October 29, 2019 by Cory Saul Typehouse Literary MagazineIssue 10, January 2017 “ ‘There was once a boy who was tracking a wounded buck through logging country when he came across another boy seated on the stump of an old-growth Douglas Fir.’ That’s what I’m saying to myself when I just first see him, like my life is a fairy tale. It is, but not in the way you’d think.” Read
Flying Monkeys Leave Clouds Only to Chuck Eggs October 29, 2019 by Cory Saul Used GravitronsIssue 15, March 2014 “Two days of flying the world’s largest stiletto had brought Liam and Alex a total of three and a half miles east. The model that floated over coastal desert shrub looked like something worn by Dorothy in a spin-off film entitled The Wizard of Jizz, and, collectively the combination of shoe, basket, propane tanks, young lovers and trapped CO2 added up to a weight of just-lighter-than-air, making it an ideal target for trans-dimensional tornadoes. ” Read
Monochrome October 29, 2019 by Cory Saul Portland ReviewFeatured Story, April 2013 “During the two weeks they were in the cabin, Andi painted everything grayscale. The lampshades were salt and pepper and the rotting floors were charcoal. She made murals of black on white brick. They sat on flaking used furniture that looked and felt like concrete. Every morning, when Shot brought in wood for the fire, Andi sprayed it down until all the pieces turned to fog. The two stayed warm huddled around a wisp of a white flame, covered in chessboard blankets of raw wool. They breathed sharp paint chips beneath a perfectly overcast ceiling.” Read
Angst is Timeless on the East Side October 29, 2019 by Cory Saul Petrichor MachineIssue 3, April 2013 “Shot the Everkid takes a drag on his cigarette like he’s sucking sand through a straw. His whole body strains and he squints.’I don’t normally do this,’ he says. ‘It just comes with the character.’” Buy